
Sensory Marketing

Learning event management,  I try to create pleasure experiences for events.  Consumer receives external stimuli through five sences(visual, smell, taste, hearing, touch).  Chocolate Happy Land is a wonderful example of making full use of five senses to create an ultimate art experience to get a higher value of consuming on sweets and chocolate.  There are many topic experience zones which showing culture and arts in different styles.  All of those make by chocolate, candies and cookies !  There are many shows and DIY providing for enjoying and consuming.  Chocolate in this park is becoming a kind of mind to represent on enjoying life and arts.  The event is a platform for promoting their  business culture or family day. 童话主题馆 | 巧克力开心乐园 | 全国首家文化创新巧克力主题公园 - 上海最好玩! http://chocolatehappyland.com/happyland/story/  

