
McDonald's marketing compaign

There is a McDonald's 25th anniversary QIQU toy factory exhibition in Shanghai!  It was opened from 22/12 to 11/11.  There are  quantities of 2530 kinds of food and toys showed in this QIQU toy factory exhibition.  The success of the campaign was not only showed some rare toys from  all over the world for the Mc Donald's toy collectors but also brought the pure happiness for all the people whatever for children or adults.  It is also the culture which Mc Donald's wants to deliver to the world.  McDonald's marketing campaign links the cultural value- happiness, memory to the consumer behavior.  McDonald is clever.  The company sells food with toy to consumers and during the eating process, family or friends enjoy the warm, satisfy, family-ships and friendship and these emotions will be added to the extra  happiness from the toy given.  This can be seen as a way of priming and establish schema belongs to McDonald in the consumers mind.  McDonald meets the needs of physiological and belongs to ensure consumers will choose affective decision -making
 We all know that collecting toys is the natural characteristic for children.   This can encourage them to do the habitual decision-making applying the instrumental conditioning And if these children or teenagers keep the habit and McDonald' toys will become a kind of memory along with their whole growing up lives.  They create memories, stories or other special significance  for McDonald's' toys.  This kind of consumer behavior will along with their whole life.  They will co-create more values for both themselves and the brand.  Thus, the value of brand will increase.   They may pride of their collecting achievements which meets the higher needs from Maslows Hirarchy of needs.  
Therefore, based on above, the event can be attractive and achieving big successful.  Brand loyalty plays an important role for the high involvement in motivation for McDonald marketing campaign.   It is McDonald expected effects for that repeat purchasing behavior that reflects a conscious decision to continue buying the same brand ----McDonald!!!

2 条评论:

  1. Recently, McDonald's new monopoly marketing campaign can also be a good example.

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