
Culture veiw of the campain 'INNOCENT Knit Hat' from the UK charity Age UK- keep older warm in winter !

When entering February, a well-known drinking brand Innocent Smoothie with lovely knit hats attracts people‘s attention in UK surpermarkets such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, Ocado, boots, WHSmiths, Asda, Costa Coffee.  Why the drinking brand having the idea of wearing knit hats on their drinking products?  Just for promotion by attracting consumers' attention?
It is an annually event called ‘The Big Knit’ for 13 years since 2003.  Oliver Bonas has teamed up with innocent to raise money for Age UK.  As the brand claimed that for each innocent smoothie with knit hats sold, they would make a donation of 25p to the charity Age UK.  Age UK is a charity for older caring.  The event is aim to keep older warm and well in winter.  Expect that, Oliver Bonas also picks six favorite little knit hats and transformed them into life-sized innocent big knitted hats.  Similarly, £5 from each adult’s hat and £3 from each kid’s hat also goes straight to Age UK. 
It is the INNOCENT smoothie I bought from boots in Huddersfield.
I consuming it for supporting UK older without hesitation.  Because of the learning from the event and the lovely design, I had a satisfactory experience for this consumption.  Actually,  because of it is an annually event, it repeats and continues year by year, the connection built between the products and long-term memories of event from consumers is a powerful way to build loyalty stated by solomon in 2011.  In the behaviourist view, it is classical condition in marketing approach.  The brand introduce the knit hats and the charity event and consumers soon to know more about the Innocent drinking which named angle drinking or hats drinking.  The two stimuli introduced at the same time.

The consumption belongs to sacred consumption related to the culture.  Sacralization occurs when ordinary objects like buying innocent Smoothie for drinking and knitting hats, people take on sacred meaning i.e. donate for charity of Age UK (Solomon).  Sacred consumption occurs when we buying innocent Smoothie with the aim of respect for the campaign of support charity in order to keep older from cold in winter.

For the brand innocent, brand image will be related to the charity and build good relationships and trust with consumers.

This event is full of wisdom.  The lovely knit hats can attract consumers in sensory and try to find the story behind them.  Social media such as Facebook and Instagram promote innocent and age UK in a positive way.  Many consumers learned the story and then buy innocent in a cognitive way.  Therefore, it is also a good case of cognitive approach to learning for marketing.  Some fans and charity supporters even collect knit hats which often involve emotional components.  Consumers will make affective decision.  It is a brilliant strategy for keep the company in a sustainable development for continuing to have an corporation with charity Age UK.


4 条评论:

  1. Knit hat on the bootle is the new idea to sell the drinking. It has cute looking and people see this in the winter will feel warm, it stimulates consumption.

    1. yes ...I really love this creative idea

  2. I have the same hat as well. Innocent has a good marketing skill and stratagy. It is very attractive and meanningful.
